آموزش آنلاین
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Parsing REST APi using PHP

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زمان پیشنهادی
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ثبت پیشنهاد روی پروژه
ثبت پروژه مشابه
با سلام من دو تا API دارم که میخوام ریسپانشونو بعد از یک سری فیلتر بصورت زیر نمایش بدم Please select the data bundle you want to roll-over. 1. Bundle A Expires on 31/09/23 2. Bundle B Expires on 31/09/23 3. Bundle C Expires on 31/09/23 9.Next 0. Main menu 1 Retrieve Bundles (all bundles) API Call: GET …/Bundles/{BundleName} 2 Filter out bundles so that you are left with bundles that are prepaid and not free. Filtering: (from API call in Step 1) • BundlePrice > ZAR 0 • AvailableFor = Prepaid 3 Retrieve Subscriber’s bundles + Filter only active bundle usages API Call: GET …/Subscriptions/{MSISDN}/Bundles/Usages Parameters: MSISDN Filter: Active 5 Apply an extra filter to remove the Subscriber’s bundles having no balance remaining Filtering: (from API call in Step 3) • Remove records where: Used = Total 6 The displayed results should be a combination of the results of the 2 API calls (Step 1 and 3). The fields to be displayed will be listed in the steps that follow. The linking between the 2 API calls (Step 1 and 3) will use the BundleName as the link. Only those bundles that link should be part of the results. 7 Display the results for the subscriber with the Bundle Name and Expiry date. Technical field names retrieved from the API calls: • BundleName (from Bundle usage API) • ValidUntil (from Bundle usage API) • Save the BundleAssignmentID to be used when the bundle should be updated. • Save the old valid Until date
ثبت پیشنهاد روی پروژه
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